Military Assistance Grant- up to $5000 per membership
year-Our Military Assistance Program (MAP) is the outstretched hand
between the local VFW and military community, offering support around the
Since 2005, MAP has sponsored events supporting more than
3.4 million service members and their families.
A large part of MAP is the Adopt-a-Unit program, providing
VFW Posts and their Auxiliaries the opportunity to adopt hundreds of military
units around the world. Adopt-a-Units goal is to develop supportive
relationships with units before, during and after deployments to help deliver
the vast network of resources the VFW has available to the military.
Unmet Needs Grant -Unmet Needs is there to help Americas military families who have run into unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other military-related activity or injury. The program provides financial aid grants of up to $1,500 to assist with basic life needs in the form of a grant - not a loan - so no repayment is required. To further ease the burden, we pay the creditor directly.
The needs of our veterans, service members and their families should never go unmet. Let us offer you a hand-up when you need it!
For additional information, and to see if you or someone you know qualifies for a grant through the Unmet Needs program, please visit
VFW Foundation
The VFW Foundation is offering a total of three grants
beginning in October. All grants will operate on a reimbursement basis.
Applicants will need to do a project and then submit an application with proof
of how the funding was spent. Applicants are highly encouraged to contact the
VFW Foundation prior to starting a project to ensure it qualifies. Detailed
guidelines can be found on the application forms of each grant.
Questions may be directed to Chris Johnson - (816)-968-1174
I. #StillServing Grants – Applications Available at
1. Community Support Grant
This Community Support Grant is offered exclusively to VFW
Posts and Auxiliaries to offset expenses incurred while doing a community
service project. Districts, Departments, VFW subordinate organizations, etc.
may not apply. Both a VFW Post and its Auxiliary can receive funding of up to
$1,500. Applicants are limited to one Community Support Grant award during the
October 1, 2022-June 1, 2023, cycle.
2. District Corporate Partnership Grant
The District Corporate Partnership Grant is offered
exclusively to offset expenses related to the community service projects of VFW
or VFW Auxiliary Districts that include substantive involvement of a VFW
National corporate partner’s local affiliate. Posts, Departments, VFW
subordinate organizations, etc. may not apply. Applicants are limited to no
more than $1,500 in funding through the VFW District Corporate Partnership
Grant award during the October cycle.
II. Uniting to Combat Hunger Grant – Applications
Available at
1. Uniting to Combat Hunger Grant
The Uniting to Combat Hunger Grant is a matching grant of up
to $1,500 available to VFW Posts and Auxiliaries for monetary and food
donations to local food banks and pantries in their communities. The VFW
Foundation will provide a $1 match for every pound of food or dollar donated to
these organizations. A Post or its Auxiliary may receive this grant but not
Student Veteran Support Grant
The VFW recognizes that both funding and support for our
student veterans and dependents at institutions of higher learning can often be
difficult to find. The VFWs Student Veteran Support Grant offers much
needed assistance to support specific student veteran events. The grant, administered
by the VFW Washington Office, focuses on supporting the overall student veteran
population within the community, which consists of many student veterans at
campuses across the country that are not affiliated with an SVA chapter. The
grants will be disbursed to a VFW Post or Department that has submitted an
application, to support the student veterans at the university or
Grant Eligibility:
1. Applicants must be VFW members associated with an
appropriate entity of the VFW (VFW Post, District, Department, or National).
2. Appropriate VFW Post, District, Department, or National
leadership serve as the convening authority on the grant request and is
responsible for receiving funds.
3. Funds must be utilized for events and outreach designed
to assist and support veterans currently enrolled in institutions of higher