(610) 568-8700
Post 8738
Today, I'd like to take a moment and remind all of our comrades why the VFW exists. We are the voice that holds our government accountable to fulfill the promises they've made to our veterans. Tomorrow marks the start of South Carolina's legislative session. This year, we have a couple things we need to address at the state level for our veterans and our posts.
Firstly, National has asked that we tackle protecting our veterans from claim sharks. Attached, there is an infographic for veterans claims outcomes, the model legislation that has been adopted in 9 states, and the list of legislators on veterans sub-committees. I have started scheduling meetings to get the legislation pre-filed and find sponsors. It is up to us to prevent our war fighters from being taken advantage of and their earned benefits being commoditization for personal profit.
And every post has been affected by the liquor liability law changes. We are working on amending Title 15 to restrict the scope to those actually responsible for overserving. I will be asking in the future for you or your quartermasters for how the insurance risk changes have financially affected the charitable work of our organization.
I ask that you take a few moments to reach out to your state level law makers. They are in your communities and your influence, stories, and insight is important to motivate them to do their duty. Ask them to protect our veterans and I am available if you have any questions.
The VFW Action Corps is our national grassroots advocacy network comprised of more than 300,000 VFW members and patriotic supporters of veterans. This group stays up-to-date on the issues facing our veterans, our military and their families, standing ready to email, write, call and visit our nation’s lawmakers to make their voices heard. The VFW Action Corps is free and open to all patriotic Americans who care about the military and veterans’ communities.
Join the VFW
Action Corps today and add your voice to the thousands of veterans’
advocates making a difference every day, and if you’re already a member of the
VFW Action Corps, encourage your friends and neighbors to join the effort!
Participants receive:
The VFW Action Corps Weekly, an easy-to-read electronic
newsletter that highlights the VFW’s advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill.
Immediate access to a nationwide database of contact
information for all elected officials, a congressional directory.
Regular VFW "Action Alerts” on how to get involved when
our nation’s veterans, service members and their families need their voices
heard on Capitol Hill.
The VFW Action Corps is what gives the VFW its strength in
advocating for our nation’s heroes. Working hand-in-hand with the VFW’s
National Legislative Service -- whose office is in eye-shot of the Capitol dome
in Washington -- members of the VFW Action Corps are armed with all of the
tools and information they need to help the VFW in its mission to support our
nation’s veterans.