All Buddy Poppies orders are through the Department Quartermaster

Download and use this form for orders. (Revised 7/9/2024)

2024-2025 Fillable Poppy Order Form

If you have any questions, don't hestitate to contact State Quartermaster at qm@vfwsc.org or 843-327-3858



  1. You can email the completed Buddy Poppy order form (PDF Only - pictures or photos will not be accepted) directly to qm@vfwsc.org - instantly received and logged
  2. Mail it in



  1. You can pay for your Buddy Poppy order using online banking with Zelle. Most banks have this option to send or receive payments directly. Locate Zelle and add qm@vfwsc.org to Zelle contacts. It will show Dennis Hamilton as the State Quartermaster but you could rename the contact to VFWSC QM
    • Choose Send
    • To: qm@vfwsc.org or VFWSC QM as you have it named
    • Enter the amount to send
    • In the Comments, write: Post (your number): (your qty) Buddy Poppies Order
    • Send
      Payment instantly received, logged and matched up with your order and processed
  2. Mail it in


Make Check or Money Order Payable to:
VFW Department of SC
Attn: State Quartermaster
622 Bridlewood Ln,
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464